Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Spencer Vs. The World

the man himself.
Spencer Wohlrab is a photographer based in New York who has quickly become one of my favourites this year.
I stumbled across him whilst looking through Ryan McGinley's work and finding him mention that his intern, Chad Moore, was also an aspiring photographer and then I found that he just so happened to be friends with Spencer. So I manged to kill three birds with one stone! Lucky eh? Soooo anyway... Spencer's work is pretty much all on film, capturing the candid moments of youth living in New York. He pretty much documents his life through photography, by that of a photo journal he has on his site where you are constantly bombarded with pictures of him and his friends partying, drinking and getting up to all sorts of crazy things in the city. You can have a flick through his journal on his website, but I'd set aside a few hours to do so if I were you, he leaves no stone left unturned with nearly every other day for the past two years having been documented!

an example of his documentation, a snowball fight in New York's winter.
He doesn't just photograph his own life however, oh no, Spencer has recently photographed campaigns for the likes of MARC JACOBS, awesome huh? He has also photographed for Ksenia & Ash, as well as having a portfolio filled with beautiful models that he has shot and even has published his own photo book which included these hauntingly beautiful scenes he took in Iceland.

the Marc Jacobs campaign.

from his book, Iceland.
Having already published one book, he is now working on another which will be a compilation of photos of and pertaining to his New York experience. It promises to be full of tragedy, heartbreak, and remorse and I personally cannot wait to order my own copy!
I highly recommed checking his work out and, if you happen to find you love it as much as me, you can keep up to date with his latest projects and partying habits via his twitter. I follow him and he has some pretty cool tweets, plus he followed me back so now I'm swooning. Yeah I know, I said swooning, I don't care. I am.

Alexandra- from his portfolio.

'Photography is all about memories to me, but I like how its easy to alter or change those memories by how you choose to view them.' - Spencer Wohlrab

Monday, 29 August 2011


an average day of a waffle girl.

I'd thought I'd lose my bloginity to someone/something I really loved and so I have decided to give it away to The Waffles Girls.
They are this collection of super massive black hole awesome girls, including the budding young starlet Sky Ferreira no less, formed in 2005 who create very cool tees, generally with the slogans, 'Waffles Girls Don't Die', 'Waffles + Falafels', 'Real Girlz Do Real Things' and blog to their hearts content about all sorts of trending topics such as the ultimate tv show Gossip Girl and the not so trendy topics such as having pizza parties where some of the attendies dress up as pizzas. The latter sounds a little odd I know, but I tell ya now I'd probably drop dead in a 'HOLY MOTHER OF GOD YESS!!' moment if I was asked to attend.

the infamous pizza parties.
Their random antics aside, they individually are very talented people. I've already mentioned Sky Ferreira (who has quickly become my favourite artist this year after turning into a nutjob and not logging off YouTube until I watched every single video featuring her + I want her hair ok?) who is a wonderfully gifted singer, Hilary Bankz who is a brilliant writer/blogger and has written for the likes of Fashion Indie and Styleite and Lovisa the Intern? Well, she just loves food.
They're going to be starting their very own reality show on YouTube sometime this year, so be sure to check out their channel, facebook and twitter to keep yourselves updated on their hilarity and genius. Speaking of twitter, they retweeted me the other day. I tweeted, 'I wanna be an @wafflesgirls it's, like, the dream.' and damn right it is. WAFFLES GIRLS DON'T DIE. THEY MULTIPLY!